An Internet of things

Musings on iOS and PHP development, IOT and other bits and pieces

Localising Cocoa Apps - Melbourne Cocoaheads August 2012

/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Next" = "Next";

If your Localizable.strings file looks like this then you’re probably doing it wrong…

Back in August I presented some best practices for localising your cocoa apps. The presentation centred around my experiences localising my own apps and the app. I highlighted how using NSLocalizedString properly (or it’s more useful cousin NSLocalizedStringFromTable) can make localisation a lot easier and logical.

Localising Cocoa Apps - Melbourne Cocoaheads August 2012

The first part of the presentation touched on something most people in the audience could relate too… the most notorious misuses of NSLocalizedString that I’ve seen.

I then went onto explain how NSLocalizedString works.

Towards the end I touched on a custom implementation of NSLocalizedString I had been working on aptly named JCLocalizedString that had a compatible interface with NSLocalizedString but would allow switching the active localisation at run time. JCLocalizedString exists on github in it’s early stages.

The presentation slides are up on github and the video is on vimeo. The presentation notes are included with the slides and may be a good reference.

Localising iOS Apps - Jesse Collis from Melbourne Cocoaheads on Vimeo.

'Obsidian Code' Xcode Theme

I made some adjustments to an Xcode theme that I’ve been using for the last twelve months or so.

Obsidian Code' Xcode Theme

Check out the gist

Introducing JCTiledScrollView


To coincide with my February 2012 Cocoaheads presentation I have open sourced a component named JCTiledScrollView.

JCTiledScrollView is a set of classes that wrap UIScrollView and CATiledLayer. The project to simplify displaying large images and PDFs at multiple zoom scales. As the project evolves it’s moving towards becoming a fully featured custom map view replacement with gestures and annotations.

Check out JCTiledScrollView on github.

CATiledLayer - Melbourne Cocoaheads February 2012

I put my hand up to do a talk at the February 2012 Melbourne Cocoaheads meet up on CATiledLayer. It was a great start to the year with an attendance of about 80 people at RMIT in the CBD.

My presentation was a reflection on my own experiences implementing a CATiledLayer backed UIScrollView, highlighting some of finer points of that didn’t seem immediately obvious. During the presentation I introduced the a new open source project JCTiledScrollView that hopes to be a best case implementation of a CATiledLayer backed scroll view.

The keynote presentation and presentation outline are available on github. A video of the presentation is up on Vimeo.

Photo by Jeff Tan-Ang

CATiled Layer - Jesse Collis from Melbourne Cocoaheads on Vimeo.