At the April 2017 Melbourne CocoaHeads meetup I presented on using Swagger Codegen to automatically generate a Swift 3 API client based on a Swagger spec.
At the September “Swift 4” meetup I presented a quick five minute demo generating Swift 4 code from swagger codegen. The main purpose was to show the reduction in the amount of boilerplate code generated for Swift 4.
/* No comment provided by engineer. */"Next"="Next";
If your Localizable.strings file looks like this then you’re probably doing it wrong…
Back in August I presented some best practices for localising your cocoa apps. The presentation centred around my experiences localising my own apps and the app. I highlighted how using NSLocalizedString properly (or it’s more useful cousin NSLocalizedStringFromTable) can make localisation a lot easier and logical.
I then went onto explain how NSLocalizedString works.
Towards the end I touched on a custom implementation of NSLocalizedString I had been working on aptly named JCLocalizedString that had a compatible interface with NSLocalizedString but would allow switching the active localisation at run time. JCLocalizedString exists on github in it’s early stages.
The presentation slides are up on github and the video is on vimeo. The presentation notes are included with the slides and may be a good reference.
I put my hand up to do a talk at the February 2012 Melbourne Cocoaheads meet up on CATiledLayer. It was a great start to the year with an attendance of about 80 people at RMIT in the CBD.
My presentation was a reflection on my own experiences implementing a CATiledLayer backed UIScrollView, highlighting some of finer points of that didn’t seem immediately obvious. During the presentation I introduced the a new open source project JCTiledScrollView that hopes to be a best case implementation of a CATiledLayer backed scroll view.
The keynote presentation and presentation outline are available on github. A video of the presentation is up on Vimeo.
Luke Cunningham (@icaruswings) and I presented a talk at the June 2011 Cocoaheads meet up titled “Epic refactorings and patterns to make your code awesome!”.
The topic was inspired by a number of design patterns we employed while developing the new iPad application. We highlighted some of shortcomings we found with UIViewController and demonstrated our end result - ViewCoordinator
Stewart Gleadow (@StewGleadow) and I did a quick presentation at Cocoaheads this month highlighting some of our favourite (or more obscure) Xcode 4 shortcuts.
The main take away of the whole exercise for me was finally memorising the shortcut symbols. This has vastly improved my ability to remember new shortcuts. I suggest you do the same!
Stew has posted answers to some of the questions over on his blog.
I’m presenting a talk tonight at Melbourne CocoaHeads on implementing Apple’s iAd framework. I’ll be going over how to add the iAd framework to your project, a handful of things to remember about using iAds and an overview my first hand experiences with Seoul City Metro as an iAd supported app.
I will be showing some code I have recently sourced a named JCAdSupportedNavController that provides a good way to implement iAds in a UINavigationController. You can check it out on github.
The sides for the presentation are up on slideshare